

Blue Buffalo Grass / Bloubuffel Gras
Cenchrus ciliaris cv. Caatinga
Forage Pasture Seeds / Forage Seeds / Pasture Seeds / Forage grass


Blue Buffalo Grass / Bloubuffel Gras

Cenchrus ciliaris cv. Caatinga

Caatinga is a protected cultivar of Matsuda. It has been selected for many years among a large collection of buffel grass in Matsuda’s gene bank. Caatinga does well in areas with lower rainfall (500 mm per year) and with medium to high soil fertility. It has a good tolerance to salinity and gives good quality forage for grazing or hay making. It has a higher protein production per hectare than Cenchrus setigerus cv. Agreste.


Forage Pasture Seeds / Forage Seeds / Pasture Seeds / Forage grass

Product Details

Origin:Matsuda Genetics
Scientific name:Cenchrus ciliaris cv. Caatinga
Soil fertility:High
Growth habit:Erect tussocks
Height:0.8 – 1 m
Utilisation:Direct grazing and Hay-making
Drought tolerance:Excellent (< 500mm/year)
Cold tolerance:Good
Crude protein content:13 – 16%
Tolerance to salinity:Good (pH close to 6)
Vegetative cycle:Perennial
Forage production:8 – 11 ton DM/ha/year
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