

Water Grass / Watergras

Brachiaria humidicola cv. Llanero
Forage Pasture Seeds / Forage Seeds / Pasture Seeds / Forage grass


Water Grass / Watergras

Brachiaria humidicola cv. Llanero

Llanero is a semi-upright stoloniferous summer perennial grass. It is often referred to as a water grass because it can withstand periods of temporary waterlogging in the soil. It also tolerates acidic, sandy and low fertility soils. It has a high drought tolerance and a medium cold tolerance.  It can be grazed by Cattle, Sheep, Horses, Goats, Game. 

Forage Pasture Seeds / Forage Seeds / Pasture Seeds / Forage grass

Product Details

Origin:Tropical Africa
Scientific name:Brachiaria humidicola cv. Llanero
Common name:Llanero water grass
Vegetative cycle:Perennial
Soil fertility:Low – Medium
Growth habit:Stoloniferous
Height:< 1 m
Utilisation:Direct grazing, Hay-making & Silage
Type of animal:Cattle, Sheep, Horses, Goats, Game
Rainfall requirements:> 600 mm/year
Waterlogging tolerance:Medium – High
Drought tolerance:High
Cold tolerance:Medium – Low
Crude protein content:4 – 7%
Plant date:October – February
Planting equipment:Hand, Fine seed sower, Fert. spreader
Sowing depth:10 – 20 mm
Seeds per hectare:10 kg/Ha
Forage production:8 – 10 ton DM/ha/year
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