

Manna Grass / Mannagras
Setaria sphacelata cv. Tijuca
Forage Pasture Seeds / Forage Seeds / Pasture Seeds / Forage grass


Manna Grass / Mannagras

Setaria sphacelata cv. Tijuca

Tijuca is a  hybrid plant obtained from the intercross between three different Setaria sphacelata cultivars (Kazungula, Nandi, Narok) and one species of Setaria splenda. The crossing started in 2004 with a selection of plants with good forage production, more leaves, lower size and lower oxalate content. Tijuca is a medium type tertraploid perennial grass with many thin tillers, good seed production, no dormancy, high yield and good cold resistance. It is suitable for beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, goats and horses.

Forage Pasture Seeds / Forage Seeds / Pasture Seeds / Forage grass

Product Details

Origin:Matsuda Genetics
Scientific name:Setaria sphacelata cv. Tijuca
Common name:Manna grass
Vegetative cycle:Perennial
Soil fertility:Medium – Low
Growth habit:Erect tussocks
Height:1.75 m
Utilisation:Direct grazing, Hay-making & Silage
Type of animal:Cattle, Sheep, Horses, Goats, Game
Digestibility:Good (51 to 53%)
Rainfall requirements:> 500 mm/year
Waterlogging tolerance:Good
Drought tolerance:High
Cold tolerance:High
Crude protein content:10 – 12%
Plant date:October – February
Planting equipment:Hand, Fine seed sower, Fert. spreader
Sowing depth:5 – 15 mm
Seeds per hectare:6 kg/Ha
Forage production:10 – 12 ton DM/ha/year
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